Luusii, Herreega Qusannoo Addaa Dubartootaa
Dhimmi itti fayyadama tajaajila faaynaansii dubartootaa misoomni, guddinniifi jijjiiramni dinagdee dhimma murteessaadha.

Herreega Qusannoo Addaa Barattootaa
Herregichi barattoota yeroo isaanii guutuu mana barnootaa keessatti dabarsan maallaqa daddabarfachuuf akka isaan dandeessisuufi barnoota isaanii olaanaa gara fuulduraatti..

Herreega Qusannoo Daa’immanii
Herregni qusannoo daa’immanii maatiin ijoollee isaanii waggaa 18 gadi jiraniif kan bananiifiidha.

Herreega Qusannoo Addaa Manguddootaa
Herregni Qusannoo addaa manguddootaa tajaajila namoota gurguddaa umriin isaanii waggaa 55fi isaa ol ta’eef kan banamuudha.

Herreega Qusannaa Invastimantii
Herregni kun maamiloonni galii idilee ji’aa qaban ji’a ji’aan qusannoo idileen akka qusataniif kan qophaa’eefi dhala baankii olaanaa kan argamsiisu yoo ta’u, ji’atti al-tokko kan itti qusatamu turtii waggaa 1 hanga 10 qofa kan qabaatuudha.

Herreega kafaltii Cheekii
Herregni kun herrega qusannoofi socho’aa walitti dabaluun banamuu danda’a. Herrega kana banuuf haaldureewwan baankichaan kaa’aman hojiirra ni oolu.

Tajaajila Faayinaansii Dhaabbilee Imalaafi Daawwachiisotaaf
Dameen Induustirii faayidaan ijaarsa diinagdee biyyaaf qabu hojilee haaraa uumuun kan wal qabate, hoji-dhabdummaa hir’isuuf akkasumas oomishaafi oomishtummaa, dhiyeessii tajaajilaa guddisuuf kan gargaaru ta’uun beekamaadha.

Tajaajila Baankii Dhaabbilee Maayikiroo Faayinaansiif
Waggoota 20’n darbaniif dhaabbileen maayikiroo faaynaansii fedhii hawaasichaa guutuuf tajaajila isaanii babal’isaa turaniiru. Baankiin Awaashis kana bu’uureffachuun fedhii dhaabbilee kanaa qorachuun tajaajila industirii dhaabbilee maayikiroo faayinaansii jijjiiruuf dandeessisan dhiyeessuurratti argama.

Paakeejii Tajaajila Faayinaansii Dhaabbilee Amantii
Yeroo ammaa dhaabbileen amantaa sochii hojii amantaarratti taasisanitti dabaluun sochiiwwan diinagdee adda addaa keessatti hirmaachaa jiru.

Paakeejii Tajaajiloota Namoota Dhuunfaa Qabeenya Guddaa qaban
Baankiin Awaash maamiloota isaa sadarkaa adda addaatti qoodee jira. Kunis kan barbaachiseef fedhi namoota beekamtii olaanaa qabanii hubachuun tajaajila barbaachisu adda baasuun qopheesseera.

Tajaajila Qusannoo Barattootaa Waadiyaa
Tajaajila qusannoo Waadiyaa tajaajila qusannoo seera Shari’aa Islaamummaan qophaa’edha. Abbaan herreegichaa maallaqa herreega baankii yoo kaawwatu baankichi nageenyummaa maallaqichaa mirkaneessuuf itti gaafatama fudhatee kaa’aaf. Maamilichis wayita barbaadutti baasii taasisuun ni kennamaaf

Herreega Socho’aa Waadiyaa
Herreegni qusannoo Waadiyaa, herreega socho’aafi herreega cheekii jedhamee kan beekamu yoo ta’u, maamiltoota barataniin kan banamuufi dhala baankii kan hin qabnedha. Herreegichi wal amataarratti hundaa’uun kan banamuufi abbaan herreegichaa maallaqicha baasii taasisee fudhachuu yoo barbaadu ni fudhata

Herreega Qusannoo Mudaarabaa
Walitti dhufeenya maamilummaa maamilichaafi baankicha gidduun maamilichi maallaqa isaa yoo kaawwatu baankichi maallaqicha haala seera Shari’aa eegeen hojii biizinasii ittiin hojjeta. Bu’aas ta’ee kisaaraan yoo jiraate akkaataa walii galtee qaamolii lamaaniin kan waliin qooddatan ta’a

Herreega Idilee
Herreegni kun dhala baankii kan argamsiisu yoo ta’u, walii galtee daangaa yeroo raawwiin kan banamudha. Yeroon raawwii isaa gadii aanaan ji’a sadidha. Herreegicha banuuf maallaqa armaan olitti ibsamaniin yoo ta’e haala doolaaraa Ameerikaa 5’n wal qixa ta’een herreegichi banama” kan jedhuun bakka haa bu’u.

Herreega Socho’aa
Herreega baankii cheekiif dursanii ajajuun socho’udha. Herreegichi yeroo kamuu cheekiin ykn dursanii ajajuun socho’uu danda’a. Herreegichi doolaara Ameerikaa 100’n ykn maallaqa olitti eerameen wal gitun banamuu ni danda’a. Maamiloota biyya alaa...

Herreega Kaffaltii Biyya Keessaa
Herreegni kun kaffaltii biyya keessaa qofaaf kan ooludha. Maallaqni ergamu kun gara maallaqa biyya keessaatti jijjiiramee galii akka ta’u taasifama.Baankichi haala kaffaltii dhala baankii yeroo gadi aanaa daangaa yeroo kaffaltii Baankii ..

Al-ergeefi Al-galchee
Xalayaan ibsa tajaajila liqii baankiin biyya alaa maamila isaa al-ergaafi al-galchaa ta’e bakka bu’uun al-ergaa maamila Baankii misooma Itoophiyaa ta’eef kan kennamudha.

Maallaqa ergamu
Maallaqa keessan biyya alaa ykn baargamaa karaa Baankii Awaash dabarsuu

Liqii meeshaalee daldalaa
Liqiin bittaa meeshaa, meeshaa gatii madalawaan bitamuuf baatilee muraasa qofaaf meeshicha akka wabummaatti qabachuun liqii kennamudha

Lucy Women Special Saving Account
Gender-smart banking solutions aim at offering products/solutions that create to women at all levels of the economic pyramid.

Student Solution Account
The account is designed for full time higher education students to create the convenience in money transfers as well as a mechanism for further education.

Smart Children Account
It is a saving account with time deposit features. The account is opened by parents/ guardians for a specific benefit of the children under 18 years of age to deposit money for their future career

Special Saving Account for Elders
With a wide collection of attractive banking programs and facilities. Adapt to the needs of a golden-age society to improve their satisfaction and encourage the elders to save.

Investment solution account
The account is designed for individual Employees, Small and Medium Enterprises, Associations, Trade Unions, and etc. Deposit period ranges from a minimum of one year to ten years. The account yield high interest rate range between 5.5% to 7.5%.

check payment’s solution scheme (CPSS)
Designed for those customers who have both saving account and current account in AIB. When there is a shortage of balance in the current account, the customer automatically can access its saving account for the settlement of the check.

Financial products and services for tour and Travel operators
Economic benefits of tourism to a national economy is straightforward and it is associated with creation of new jobs, decrease in the levels of unemployment, stimulation of production of products and services to be consumed by tourists and others.

Banking products and services for micro finance institutions (MFIs)
Over the past two decades, the microfinance sector in Ethiopia has been expanding its financial services outreaches to meet the needs of the underserved society. Thus, Awash Bank develops to offer new custom-tailored products and services, which are supposed to meet the ever-changing needs of the MFIs industry, after assessing the needs of these institutions.

Package of Financial Products and Services for Religious Institutions
Nowadays, many religious institutions undertake various operational and project activities besides their spiritual engagement. Although most Religious institutions generate significant amount of resources from various sources such as members’ contribution, donation and grants and other income generating activities, they obviously need external funds (bank loans) to finance their projects activities.

Packages of products services for high (Ultra high net worth individuals HNIS UNHNIS)
Awash Bank has effectively segmented its customers into different major customer groups that reflect similar attributes among customers in each group. The goal of segmenting customers is to decide how to relate to customers in each segment in order to maximize value for each customer.

Wadiah student saving deposit account
Wadiah Student Solution Account is an innovative Sharia compliant saving account designed for students. The account holder deposits funds in the Bank and the Bank guarantees the safety of the fund

Wadiah current( Demand deposit account)
Also called Wadiah-Current Account or Wadiah-Checking Account, is a non-interest-bearing deposit account that is opened and operated by literate customers whose trading activity and cash movement justifies the need for such account.

Mudarabah saving account
Mudarabah saving account is a partnership contact between the Bank and the Client. The client provides fund and the bank does business complying the shariah principles.

Fixed (time) Deposit Account
It is an interest bearing account with agreed maturity date. The minimum maturity period is three months. It is opened with an initial deposit of US Dollar 5,000 or its equivalent in any of the above stated currencies.

Current Account
It is operated by cheque book and/or pre-arranged procedure. Withdrawals can be made at any time by writing a cheque and/or a pre-arranged procedure. It can be opened with an initial deposit of US Dollar 100 or its equivalent in any of the above stated currencies.

Non-repatriable Birr Account
It is an account that may take the form of saving deposit that can be used for local payments only. A bank is allowed to set their own interest rate payment on non-repatriatable Birr accounts upon negotiation but not less than the minimum saving deposit rate set by the NBE.

Import and exporter
An importer /exporter letter of credit is an instrument issued by a foreign bank on behalf of its importing/exporter customer favoring an exporter who is customer of DBE.

Remittance refers to the act of transferring or sending certain amount of money by one party to the other.

Merchandize loan
Merchandise loan is a loan with fixed month tenure provided to finance businesses by taking into collateral merchandise that is readily available, marketable, insurable and with fairly stable price.