Import and exporter

Letter of Credit (L/C)

  • An importer /exporter letter of credit is an instrument issued by a foreign bank on behalf of its importing/exporter customer favoring an exporter who is customer of DBE.
  • documents may be requested as and when situations demand).

Cash against Document (CAD)

  • Under this mode of payment customers shipped the agreed up on goods to the buyer and present shipping documents along with covering letter to the bank for collection of payment
  • Required Document: Commercial Invoice, Sales contract, License, undertaking letter and TIN certificate (additional documents may be requested as and when situations demand).

Advance Payment

  • This is the most basic / preferred payment methods for goods. The supplier receives cash in advance from the buyer before goods are shipped.
  • Required Documents: Advance payment receipt (Incoming Telegraphic Transfer) advice or customs declaration along with bank advice for the sale of the Cash Notes to the Bank. (If deposited in Foreign Currency Cash Notes), commercial invoice, sales contract, License & TIN certificate.
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Jul 26, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
Currency Buying Selling
57.4895 58.6393
70.6759 72.0894
62.3359 63.5826
14.1646 14.4479
13.8682 14.1456
62.5028 63.7529

Exchange Rate