Terms and condition for Awash-Lehulum

IX. Awash-Lehulum APP- Micro- Lending Services Terms of Use
  •  By using the Awash-Lehulum Lending Service software made accessible by this Lehulum Version , you agree to both these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the Awash Lehulum Privacy Policy which are incorporated herein by reference (collectively, the “Terms of Use”). These Terms of Use also apply to future updates or supplements to the DLS or DLS software, unless those updates or supplements explicitly provide otherwise. If you do not agree to any of these Terms of Use, please do not further process or use the DLS. These Terms of Use apply to all users of the DLS. If you complete a Credit Application using the DLS, additional terms and conditions will supplement these Terms of Use.
  •  Awash-Lehulum may suspend or terminate your license to use the DLS immediately by a notice given to you using any contact information noted in its records and any means permitted by law if:
  •  You commit a breach of a provision of these Terms of Use, as determined by Awash-Lehulum, in its unfettered discretion, or reasonably suspects that a breach has occurred or is imminent;
  •  Awash-Lehulum considers that such suspension or termination is necessary to protect the integrity or security of any of its information systems at any time;
  •  Awash-Lehulum forms the opinion that you are unable to pay your debts as they become due or have no reasonable prospect of so doing; or
  • You make an assignment into bankruptcy or become the subject of a bankruptcy petition or order.
  •  If Awash-Lehulum suspends or terminates your license to use the DLS, all of your rights to use the DLS shall immediately cease, and you agree to cease all activities involving the use of the DLS.
  •  Termination or suspension of a license to access the DLS shall not affect any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of suspension or termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of the provisions of these Terms of Use that existed at or before the date of suspension or termination
  • XI. Conditions to Up Lift Account Termination
  •  If the applicant of the DLS pays all the past dues
  •  If the judiciary organ uplifts the previous applied court orders

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