Terms and condition for Awash-Lehulum

VII. Customer Application
  1. To apply for a loan using the Digital Lending Service, I and the Joint Applicant must each duly and fully complete, electronically sign, and securely transmit a Credit Application, and all other materials and information required by the Application, to the Awash Bank.
  2.  Provide personal information for use in conducting identity checks; and
  3. Provide all other information, answer all questions, click all buttons, and tick all boxes as prompted.
  4. By applying for a loan using the Digital Lending Service, I authorize the Awash Bank and its service providers to: Obtain credit, financial and other financially-related information as required from credit agencies, financial organizations, and each source is hereby authorized to provide the Financial Institution with the credit, financial and other financial-related information as required. Awash Bank is hereby authorized to retain this application for the its records. o Conduct, or arrange for another agency to conduct, identity and payment verification checks from time to time; o Assess my application based on the results of the credit, identity, and payment checks; and Issue a decision to grant or deny my application
  5. The decision to approve a Credit Application submitted through this Digital Lending Service and authorize a credit limit is final and at the sole discretion of the Awash Bank.
  6.   If my Credit Application is approved, I authorize the Awash Bank and its’ Service Providers to monitor and/or record my telephone conversations with any Financial Institution representatives to help ensure quality service.
  •  I understand that to evaluate my credit application and to continue monitoring my credit status after the loan is approved and advanced, and for the other purposes I consent to below (the “object of the file”), a personal information file containing credit and other personal information will be created. Only those employees of Awash Bank and its’ affiliates whose job functions involve assessment of creditworthiness, credit applications, monitoring, processing of payments and matters relating to the object of the file, will have access to my file. If I wish to consult my file or make corrections to it, I may do so by written request at the following address: Microloan.awashbank.com
  •  I agree that Awash Bank may use my TIN, Passport no. or any other valid ID no as an aid to identify me with credit reporting agencies and others for credit history file matching and other administrative purposes. I acknowledge that I am not required to provide that number to you for these purposes.
  •  I consent to, and acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions are prior written notice of its intention to do so, the Financial Institution obtaining, disclosing or exchanging any credit, personal information about me (including information contained in my personal information file) from, to or with any credit reporting agency, personal information agent, credit grantor or insurer, my employer or personal references in connection with any relationships between us or those which you or I may (policy reference no.) wish to establish
  •  The Financial Institution and its Service Providers may use and disclose any of the information relating to me or my Account in its or their possession for any purpose related to the delivery of the requested loan services, the proper maintenance and administration of my Account, and the collection of any loan made to me. I also consent to the use and disclosure by the Financial Institution at any time of all such personal and other information for the purposes of offering me any other service offered by the Financial Institution or any product or service offered by the Financial Institution affiliates and networking agents that the Financial Institution believes may be of interest to me, or to share with potential and actual purchasers from the Financial Institution of my loans. I acknowledge that I am free to withdraw my consent for use and disclosure of my information for other products and services at any time and no longer be provided by Awash Micro lending services.
  •  I represent and warrant that I am not being sued and there are no judgments or executions against me unless so stated on my current application. I also affirm that I am legally viable and capable to access Awash Micro-loan facilities.
  •  I represent and warrant to you that the information given herein is in all respects true, accurate and complete. I understand that it is being used to determine my credit worthiness. If any part of this statement is incorrect or if there is a breach of this agreement, then I hereby agree that all my present and future indebtedness to Awash Bank shall become due and payable without notice or demand.
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