E-school system

The Awash e-School Management System implemented by Awash Bank is donated to schools, colleges and universities that work with the bank to update their school fee collection and school management. This state-of-the-art technology benefits teachers, administrative staff, parents, and students by providing direct access to Awash E-School Management System By logging in, you will be able to access the following main services To use the Awash e-School Management System, schools, colleges and universities can contact their nearest Awash Bank branches or call 8980 to get information from our bank’s call center.

For teachers

School Planner Subject and Assessments E-Learning (page to page teaching), and E-library (where electronic library services are accessed and shared with students); For administrative staff Finance and Payment: It enables the collection of school fees in three convenient and accessible options for parents (Awash Bank branches, Awashebar agents and Awaterreo mobile banking). Penalty Management, Reconciliation, Student Information (to organize student information), Staff Information (organizing staff information); Notice Board (Digital Notice Board), Bulk Message (allows you to send a short message to multiple parents at once); Report Center

For parents and students

View messages from their school. Assigned homeworkers to do their assigned homework at their location, Where you can see exam time tables, Where to get digital books, Where they can see their exam results, And it is modern technology that allows them to follow online lessons.

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Jul 26, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
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57.4895 58.6393
70.6759 72.0894
62.3359 63.5826
14.1646 14.4479
13.8682 14.1456
62.5028 63.7529

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