Saving and credit cooperatives and other Associations

Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs) are community membership based financial institutions that are formed and owned by their members in promotion of their economic interests.

Benefits for customers

  • Loan and Advances including term loan and Over Draft Facilities
  • Value added Deposit Accounts (Current, Fixed Time Deposit, Special Saving)
  • Payroll Administration solution Service
  • F Solution Account Service
  • Door Step Banking- Cash/Cheque/BC Pickup and Cash Delivery
  • Digital Channels
  • Guarantee Services
  • Training, Consultancy and Advisory Services.


  1. Awash Bank has proposed loans and advances that are tailored to the needs the Associations
  2. Products and services proposed herein are based on need assessment conducted on the Association/Cooperatives
  3. The bank apply attractive interest rate
  4. Effective and flexible loan processing operation are installed that managed by the professional workers who have specialized in the area.
How to get the loan

  • Be registered by a valid government organ as required by law.
  • Have a renewed license, if applicable
  • Have a sufficient number of members, large periodic collection and capital base acceptable to the Bank.
  • Have proper system for internal accounting, Cash Management etc
  • Have a current and/or saving account and agree to conduct periodic collection and disbursement via this account
  • Serve as agent of the Bank in collection, payment and local transfer of money, (if the Bank needs and found feasible)
  • Distribute the Bank’s Muday Bank Boxes to encourage regular and voluntary savings of its members and clients, and to deposit its periodic collection to the Bank as scheduled, if it is valid.
  • Fulfill all the general eligible criteria

Forms you’ll need ​

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Jul 26, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
Currency Buying Selling
57.4895 58.6393
70.6759 72.0894
62.3359 63.5826
14.1646 14.4479
13.8682 14.1456
62.5028 63.7529

Exchange Rate