Terms and condition for Awash-Lehulum

5.1. Contract Agreement
  • The applicant shall read and sign digital contract before loan disbursement and the same is confirmed by micro-lending system
5.2. Disbursement condition
  • The loan shall be automatically credited to funding account designated by the customer after all terms and condition before loan disbursement is fulfilled and confirmed by system
VI. Customer’s Responsibilities
  •  You shall at your own expense provide and maintain in safe and efficient operating order your Equipment necessary for the purpose of accessing the Awash-Lehulum Digital Lending Services
  •   You shall be responsible for ensuring the proper performance of your Equipment. The Lender shall neither be responsible for any errors or failures caused by any malfunction of your Equipment, and nor shall the Lender be responsible for any computer virus or related problems that may be associated with the use of the Awash-Lehulum, the Services and the Equipment. You shall be responsible for charges due to any service provider providing you with connection to the Awash-Lehulum and the Lender shall not be responsible for losses or delays caused by any such service provider.
  •  You shall follow all instructions, procedures and terms contained in this Agreement and any document provided by the Lender concerning the use of the System and the Services.
  •   You hereby agree and acknowledge that you shall be solely responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of your Equipment and for keeping your Credentials secret and secure. You shall ensure that your Credentials do not become known or come into possession of any unauthorized person. The Lender shall not be liable for any disclosure of your Credentials to any third party and you hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Lender harmless from any losses resulting from any disclosure of your Credentials.
  •  You shall take all reasonable precautions to detect any unauthorized use and access of the System and the Services undertaken using your Equipment. To that end, you shall ensure that all communications from the Lender are examined and checked by you or on your behalf as soon as practicable after receipt by you in such a way that any unauthorized use of and access to the Awash-Lehulum will be detected. You shall immediately inform the Lender in the event that:
  •  You have reason to believe that your Credentials are or may be known to any person not authorized to know the same and/or have been compromised; and/or
  •   You have reason to believe that unauthorized access and use of the Awash-Lehulum and the Services has or may have occurred or could occur and a transaction may have been fraudulently input or compromised.
  •     You shall at all times follow the security procedures notified to you by the Lender from time to time or such other procedures as may be applicable to the Services from time to time. You acknowledge that any failure on your part to follow the recommended security procedures may result in a breach of your Personal Information, Relevant Information and such other information held by the Lender in connection to the Services and Requests made by you to the Lender in confidentiality. In particular, you shall ensure that the Services are not used or Requests are not issued or the relevant functions are not performed by anyone other you or a person authorized by you to do so.
  •   You shall not at any time operate or use the Services in any manner that may be prejudicial to the Lender.
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