
Some of the benefit

Investment Opportunities

Opportunities for long- and / or medium-term investment of its resources

Consistent Income

It can constitute a source of regular and consistent income which will enable it to provide its depositors and shareholders with a fairly attractive rate of remuneration.

Musharakah is a joint enterprise or partnership structure in Islamic finance in which partners share in the profits and losses of an enterprise. Musharakah is frequently used in the purchase of property and real estate, in providing credit, for investment projects, and to finance large purchases. In real estate deals, the partners request from a bank an assessment of the property’s value via imputed rent (the sum a partner might pay to live in the property in question).

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Jul 26, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
Currency Buying Selling
57.4895 58.6393
70.6759 72.0894
62.3359 63.5826
14.1646 14.4479
13.8682 14.1456
62.5028 63.7529

Exchange Rate