

Remittance refers to the act of transferring or sending certain amount of money by one party to the other.

Inward Remittance:

The term inward remittance indicates transfer of funds from one account to another either domestically or internationally.

Outward Remittance:

The transfer of funds out of the country or overseas is termed as outward remittance. For instance, if parents transfer funds from their account to their children’s foreign account in order to support them, that becomes outward remittance for the parents. Outward remittance is applicable for the countries that send money whereas inward remittance is applicable to those countries that receive the same.

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Dec 21, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
Currency Buying Selling
124.6101 127.1023
153.1919 156.2557
135.1144 137.8167
30.7026 31.3167
30.0597 30.6609
135.4765 138.1860

Exchange Rate