Awash Bank has announced the second round of the Tatariwochu/Qaxaleewwan project which encourages job creation

In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, Awash Bank has announced that it has designed and implemented a project to encourage entrepreneurs and the young generation and to provide appropriate financial support.
On the launching ceremony of the 2nd round of Tatariwochu/Qaxaleewwan entrepreneurship competition, CEO of the Bank, Mr. Tsehay Shiferaw, stated that young ladies and gentleman who has a creative idea should take this opportunity to put their fingerprint in the development of their country.
Lastly, competitive entrepreneurs can register from October 23, 2023 to November 23, 2023 through online or being at one of our branches in person.

Dec 21, 2024 EXCHANGE Rate
Currency Buying Selling
124.6101 127.1023
153.1919 156.2557
135.1144 137.8167
30.7026 31.3167
30.0597 30.6609
135.4765 138.1860

Exchange Rate